Maria was feeling overwhelmed as a new parent as her daughter, Mia, was diagnosed with critical ailments including malnutrition, failure to thrive, and a heart condition. When a social service agency referred Maria to a Neighborhood Resource Network, she was quickly enrolled in the Children’s
Bureau Infant and Toddler Program where she began to receive intensive parenting support and case management over a two-year period.
A family support counselor visited Maria and Mia twice a month providing valuable parent education using the Parents As Teachers curriculum, developmental screenings, baby care information, home safety, connections to a support group and classes, referrals to other community agencies to support the family, and more. With each session, Maria began to gain her parenting confidence while Mia’s health and well-being
continued to improve.
In fiscal year 2023, the Orange County Infant & Toddler Home Visitation Program helped 434 families with 96 percent
of parents surveyed reporting an increased knowledge of parenting and child development. “Maria has shown great responsibility and interest in being a better parent for her daughter. It is truly rewarding to see this mother-daughter bond grow and strengthen,” said Maria’s counselor.
Names have been changed.